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Language Kids

English Japanese Dictionary

Bonjour, Hola, Hello….. open up a world of opportunities of with our language kids beginner and developmental classes.



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Cambridge English: Young Learners is a series of fun, motivating English language tests, aimed at children in primary and lower-secondary education. These tests give a reliable and consistent measure of how well a child is doing in learning English.

Cambridge English: Young Learners encourages younger children to work towards three certificates, which are three activity-based tests – Starters, Movers and Flyers.

Tests are designed to make learning fun and children are motivated by working towards certificates and earning the ‘shields’ that record their progress. This gives students a clear path to improve in English.

Cambridge English:Young Learners is designed to offer a comprehensive approach to testing the English of learners in primary and lower secondary education


Whether you are new to the language or just find it a little more difficult than others, our language reinforcement lessons can help you improve your skills. Led by qualified teaching support staff, our booster session will give support and guidance in a fun interactive environment where your child can foster a love of learning languages .


Parlez-vous francais? These fun, interactive, group classes connect learners with the french language. Our beginners French classes foster children's curiosity, independent thinking, and build confidence through progress and development of language. Set as an optional subject the students will be tested and evaluated throughout the term to test their progress.

Our Native speaking tutor follows the active learning methodologies where children will develop their understanding through songs, games, activities, reading and writing.

Develpoental students will be evaluated and set a development path appropriate to their needs.  

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