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Active Adults 

Fit Couple

HIIT is a type of interval training exercise. It incorporates several rounds that alternate between several minutes of high intensity movements to significantly increase the heart rate to at least 80% of one's maximum heart rate, followed by short periods of lower intensity movements.

Relax and rebalance your mind body and soul in our Active adults Yoga session. With this acient art you can find inner peace whilst building strength and flexibility. Exploring a wide range of Yoga poses and working through guided meditation you will be fully reharged and revitalised. 

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Yoga Pose

At Active kids we recognise that being a parent can sometimes leave little time for you.  So, we have programmed in some fitness sessions that coinsied with our Kids sessions so you can work out, to become the  best version of you.  Enjoy tiime for you whilst the most important thing in your life is having the time of their lfe.  

CrossFit Jumps

Want to develop your stregth and conditioning? If so our very own version of Cross training. Work on fitness and healthy lifestyles using a wide variety of technique and equipment in our sessions. All movements are based on fuctioal movements and replicate your every day actions including squatting, pushing pulling.  Our sessions aim to help you create a healthy stronger version of you in a fun and challenging environment. 

For someone who prefers a little less intense but still challenging session our circuits class involves medium to high intensity exercise for short periods of time working around a serious of stations. 

The stations are planned to work the whole body, gving you the chance to improve both muscular and cardiovascular endurance. 

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Doing Pushups
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